占い部門最優秀賞 占い越えて占い凌ぐ 木村藤子 神様の啓示
by bookmark.Inc
Version 2.0
📅 Updated October 9, 2018
You can experience that Kotodama card of Fujiko Kimura with the app! What is the "awareness" you need now?
Features 占い部門最優秀賞 占い越えて占い凌ぐ 木村藤子 神様の啓示
TVで話題沸騰!あの木村藤子の『言魂カード』がアプリで楽しめる!!!これは占いではない、占いを超えた特別な鑑定。予約方法もわからず、予約迷子の人多数! 青森の神様木村藤子の鑑定をぜひお試しください。◇◆"青森の神様 木村藤子"とは・・・◆◇1947年、青森県生まれ。地元で有名な霊能者だった母親のもとで育つ。神に与えられたお役目を生涯をかけて果たす覚悟を決め、以来、全国からはるばる青森までいらっしゃる相談者と毎日、真剣に向き合っている。著書に『木村藤子 神様の言魂カード』、『すべての「別れ」は幸せのためにある』、『幸せの絆』『幸せの風が吹いてくる』(主婦と生活社)などがあり、いずれもベストセラーとなる。今回ついに登場した「言魂カード」は、日々、青森を訪れる相談者、そして神様との対話の中から生まれた。幸福な人生を手に入れるために、言魂カードから得られるメッセージを受け取ることができる。書籍『木村藤子 神様の言魂カード』は全国の書店またはネット通販サイトにてお求めいただけます。通販サイトにてお求めの際は「神様の言魂カード」にて検索をお願い致します。●〇◎木村藤子からのメッセージ◎〇●私は本州の最北端、青森の地で人々の相談に乗るお役目を日々、果たしています。拝殿には老若男女さまざまな人が訪れます。持ち込まれる相談事も百人百様。 神の部下として働くようになってから、私の胸のうちにあった……「人はなぜ、苦しみから抜けられないのか」「幸不幸の分かれ目はどこにあるのか」……といった疑問に、ひとつの明確な答えが出たのです。それが「気づき」です。「気づき」を得るためには、学ぶ姿勢も大切です。そのきっかけとして、今回「神様の言魂カード」を用意いたしました。 あなたが引く一枚のカードは、偶然ではなく、必然として引き当てたもの。そのような気持ちで、詩を見つめてみてください。「カード」を手に取ってくださった方々が、ひとつでも多くの「気づき」を得られることを、心より願っております。当アプリは言魂カード画像は表示されませんので、ご注意ください。※当アプリは多数出版されている木村藤子先生の書籍をベースにお客様にお伝えしたいメッセージをコンテンツ化して提供させて頂いております。-----------有料鑑定メニュー情報------------・『豪華27項7万字超!』神業妙技で丸裸【二人の全運命/転機/愛結末】・完全確約“視えている赤い糸”的中保証婚◆あなたの極上愛と結婚運命・痛烈一致の究極透視【あの人の十の真実/願望/転機/行方】純愛の最後・罪深き不倫愛【選ぶのはあなたor家庭】相手が決めた覚悟×衝撃末路・未曾有の体験/教導する極限的中【あなたの人生/良縁/恋愛】保証鑑定・伝説級の結婚祈祷!≪宿命の人の全特徴/出会い/得愛断言≫入籍黙示録・【TOP級大願成就】あなたの仕事/才能/天職/転機/成功/財産<保存版>・“そっと視線送る恋”感涙結末にむせび泣く【二人の現実と最終決着】・前世からの宿縁愛「今、あなたに好意寄せる異性」特徴/出会い/全現実・「えっ、ウソ!?」奇跡呼込み復縁成就!【二人の愛未来/再燃可能性】・異常なほど当たる!【あの人の全本心&二人の相性/愛の展開/恋決断】・待っていれば出会います【本気で当たる】結婚相手の特徴/出会~入籍・「曖昧な関係に終止符」あの人の考えが知りたい……待てば恋叶うの?・寸分狂わない仕事の啓示「あなたに近々訪れる出来事と成功の兆し」・待っているのは別離か結婚か“不倫決着透視”あの人の真意/愛結末・まさか対象外?【届かない恋心◎強制成就】本音/転機と変化/最終結末・※恋病を撃退透視※進まぬ関係/態度の真相/成就の言魂【最終決着録】・もっと、ずっとそばにいて。【禁断不倫】相手の愛と真実/転機+結末・【縁結び鑑定】近々あなたに訪れる伴侶との出会いと結婚までの道のり・独身はもう結構、宿命の人と出会うための“気づき”結婚までの全過程・距離の縮まらないあの人との関係“九十日以内に起こる”劇的変化・【胸苦しい程の恋】想い続けて恋実る? 幸せになれる恋は他にある?・《驚嘆本心透視》抑えられない想い……二人の願望/心の変化/恋の終幕・この愛から逃げられない【苦悩不倫】相手の全胸中/裏事情/決断と最後・絶対に諦めたくない!≪復縁救済占≫あの人と再び結ばれる可能性・【最後の恋を精密透視!】あなたに好意を抱く異性の特徴/運命・《結婚を焦らないで》運命の相手【人柄/職業/容姿/抱く理想】・【仕事円満の極意】評価/出世/能力開花/転機好機▲豊かな老後・いつまで待てばいい? 苦しい想い解放/相手の本音/転機/結末・魂まで裸で感じる※官能降霊※SEX相性/疼く欲望/結ばれる時・激当たり未来鑑定◆あなたの≪愛と人生≫+次起こる転機~半年後・禁断不倫録【この関係は本気or遊び?】相手の本心/感情/勝機・ついに巡りあう二人《異性の特徴/あなたの魅力/出会える場所》・感じる心の距離……二人の現状/相手の本心・本命◆恋の最終結論・全てはっきり視えます。結婚相手の詳細/出会う場所と時期/入籍決定打・現状透視で“心の壁”根絶【相手の本心/誤解/進展】▲結ばれる時・30~50代成婚実績多数※あなたの結婚全運命/相手/築く家庭◆実録版・貫く/諦める?[神髄透視で見破る2大現実]相手の心情/転機/決断と最後・不倫愛の激震結末※崩壊の序曲絶ち切る※相手の深層心理/伴侶への情・悲痛な片想いに終焉の時■相手の欲望/抱える障害/進展契機と最終決断・【不倫終了▲堂々交際】夫婦関係/相手の本望/揺らがぬ決意◆禁断結末・両想いは勘違い?[進展停滞の真実]相手の心中/転機/この恋の最上結末・30代▲だから掴める愛≪あなたの宿命の人≫特徴/出逢い/電撃婚祝福録・敗戦覚悟▲杞憂です「好きなのは私?」相手の全本心/変化瞬間/恋結末・苦しい恋[望み薄▲成就の扉開く]あの人の嘘/期待/関係発展/恋の果て・【常勝確実】勝負時を知り人生大逆転[あなたの仕事・財]転機~晩年・苦渋×困窮▲大逆転劇【狂乱の10年史】周囲の評価/飛躍/掴む財・富・破竹の勢いであなたの年収急上昇◇仕事の転機/評価/成功/豊かな老後・待っていれば出会う【本気で当たる】結婚相手の特徴/出会~入籍・【離婚経験がプラスに!】これからの人生を幸せに導く“気づき”・【出会った頃の情熱を】相手の態度の理由・秘密・関係修復・この恋どうなる【価値観の差/あの人の本気度/結婚の秘訣】・心憂い不運に好転の兆し……【現状の打開策と今後起こる奇跡】・【二人の結び付きに進展?】あの人が求める恋人像と真剣愛・【胸苦しい程の恋】想い続けて恋実る? 幸せは他にある?・距離の縮まらないあの人との関係“九十日以内に起こる”劇的変化・【満ち足りない体と心】あの人が望む関係・全てが結ばれるために・身体の関係で終わってしまうの?【あなたの存在/交際の可能性】・心から欲望を満たす【官能鑑定】≪出逢い/身体/理想の相手≫・苦渋×困窮▲大逆転劇【狂乱の10年史】周囲の評価/飛躍/富・伝説級の結婚祈祷!≪運命の人の全特徴/出会い/得愛断言≫・あの人は私を好き?▲好きな異性に見せる仕草/アプローチ・私は恋愛対象? あの人があなたを思い出す瞬間×もし告白したら・声だけでも【一度切れた恋関係】連絡のタイミング/復縁の可能性・あなたは気づいていない【不倫の裏事情】宿縁/家庭/試練・末路・全然進まない恋【相手の本心/優先度/二人の縁が運命の可能性】・関係進展への一歩×心奥透視◆相手が想う異性/邪魔/劇的変化・どうして関係を……【不倫愛】惹かれ合う理由/危機/葛藤/結末・あの人との宿縁はある?【二人の心距離】縮まぬ原因/転機/結末・あの人もこの人も【入籍報告】視えている赤い糸◆特徴/結婚生活------------------------------------------------------完全無料鑑定メニュー情報----------●※緊急透視※成就願うあなたに宣告【二人の恋宿命・迫りくる転換期】●木村藤子が断言!「結婚の相手は……」あなたに残された成婚チャンス●驚異の的中透視力【あなたの身に起こる衝撃吉凶展開/縁を運ぶ人】-----------------------------------------------他、随時続々と新しいメニューを追加中です!■注意事項====================================================・アプリ自体のダウンロードは無料です。アプリ内に無料鑑定と有料鑑定(都度課金)をご用意しております。・有料でご購入されたメニューは【マイルーム】の【鑑定履歴】からご確認いただけます。・ご購入後、占い結果は初めて参照した日より7日間有効です。占い結果を期間に関係なく閲覧したい場合は携帯のキャプチャ等などで保存して下さい。・アプリ自体を削除した場合、購入したメニューも削除されますのでご了承ください。・必ず電波状況の良い場所でご利用ください。データが破損する可能性がございます。 ・鑑定中にアプリを終了しないようお願い致します。=====================================================[ユーザーサポート]月~金(祝日を除く) 10:00~19:00までA hot topic on TV!
You can enjoy Fujiko Kimuras "Kotodama Card" with the app!
!!This is not a fortune-telling, but a special appraisal that goes beyond fortune-telling.Many people lost their reservations without knowing how to make a reservation!
Please try the appraisal of Fujiko Kimura, the god of Aomori.◇ ◆ What is "Fujiko Kimura, the god of Aomori"?Born in Aomori prefecture in 1947.
Raised by a mother who was a famous psychic in the area.Decided to fulfill the role given to God over a lifetime, and since then, from all over the country to AomoriI face the counselor who comes seriously every day.His books include "Fujiko Kimura Gods Kotodama Card", "All" Farewell "is for Happiness", and "Happiness Bond"There are "The Wind of Happiness Blows" (Shufu to Seikatsusha), all of which are bestsellers.The "Kotodama Card" that finally appeared this time was born from dialogues with counselors and God who visit Aomori every day.
You can receive the message from the Kotodama card to get a happy life.The book "Fujiko Kimura Gods Kotodama Card" can be purchased at bookstores nationwide or online shopping sites.Please search with "Gods Kotodama Card" when you purchase from the mail order site.● 〇 ◎ Message from Fujiko Kimura ◎ 〇 ●Every day, I play the role of counseling people in Aomori, the northernmost part of Honshu.People of all ages and sexes visit the hall of worship.
Hundreds of people and hundreds of counselors are brought in.
Since I started working as a subordinate of God, I have been in my heart ...
"Why cant people get out of suffering?" "Where is the dividing line between happiness and unhappiness?" I got a clear answer.That is "awareness."Learning attitude is also important to gain "awareness".
As a trigger, we have prepared the "Gods Kotodama Card" this time.
The one card you draw is not a coincidence, but an inevitable one.
Look at the poem with that feeling.I sincerely hope that those who pick up the "card" will get as much "awareness" as possible.Please note that this app does not display Kotodama card images.* This app is based on the many published books by Fujiko Kimura.We will provide the message you want to convey to our customers as content.----------- Paid appraisal menu information ------------・ "Gorgeous 27 items over 70,000 characters!
』 Naked with a divine feat [All fate of two people / turning point / love ending]・ Completely promised “visible red thread” hit guarantee marriage ◆ Your best love and marriage fate・ Ultimate perspective of a bitter match [Ten truths / desires / turning points / whereabouts of that person] The end of pure love・ Sinful affair love [You or your family to choose] Preparedness x shock end decided by the other party・ Unprecedented experience / extreme instructing [your life / good relationship / love] guaranteed appraisal・ Legendary marriage prayer!
≪All characteristics of the destined person / Encounter / Affirmation of love≫ Enrollment apocalypse・ [Fulfillment of TOP-class big wishes] Your work / talent / vocation / turning point / success / property ・ "Love that gently sends a gaze" tears Weeping at the end [The reality of the two and the final conclusion]・ Love from the previous life "Now, the opposite sex that favors you" Features / Encounters / All reality・ "Eh, lie !?" Miracle call and reunion fulfillment!
[Two peoples love future / possibility of rekindling]・ Abnormally hit!
[That persons whole heart & compatibility of two people / development of love / love decision]・ If you wait, you will meet [Seriously hit] Characteristics of marriage partner / Encounter-Enrollment・ "Ending an ambiguous relationship" I want to know that persons thoughts ...
Will love come true if I wait?・ Revelation of work that does not go crazy "Upcoming events and signs of success"・ Are you waiting for separation or marriage?
“Clairvoyance of affair settlement” That persons true intention / love ending・ Is it out of scope?
[Unreachable love ◎ forced fulfillment] Real intention / turning point and change / final ending・ * Repel love illness Perspective * Unsuccessful relationship / truth of attitude / kotodama of fulfillment [final settlement record]・ Stay by your side all the time.
[Forbidden affair] Love and truth of the other party / turning point + ending・ [Marriage Appraisal] The road to encounter and marriage with a companion who will visit you soon・ Singles are already quite good, the whole process up to "awareness" marriage to meet a destined person・ Dramatic change that "occurs within 90 days" in the relationship with that person who does not shorten the distance・ [Cheerful love] Do you continue to think and fall in love?
Is there any other love that makes you happy?・ 《Marvelous Clairvoyance》 Uncontrollable feelings …… Two peoples desires / changes in heart / end of love・ I cant escape from this love [Distressed affair] The other partys whole heart / behind the scenes / decision and the end・ I definitely dont want to give up!
≪Recovery Relief Fortune≫ Possibility to be reunited with that person・ [Precise perspective of the last love!
] Characteristics / fate of the opposite sex that favors you・ 《Dont rush to get married》 Fateful partner [Personality / Occupation / Appearance / Ideal to hold]・ [The secret of work harmoniousness] Evaluation / Advancement / Ability flowering / Opportunity for turning point ▲ Rich old age・ How long should I wait?
Release of painful feelings / real intention of the other party / turning point / ending・ Feel the soul naked * Sensual necromancy * SEX compatibility / Aching desire / When tied・ Future appraisal of hard hits ◆ Your << love and life >> + the next turning point-half a year later・ Forbidden affair record [Is this relationship serious or play?
] Opponents true feelings / feelings / winning opportunity・ Finally, two people who meet each other << Characteristics of the opposite sex / Your charm / Place to meet >>・ The distance between the feelings of the heart …… The current situation of the two / the true intention and favorite of the other person ◆ Final conclusion of love・ You can see everything clearly.
Marriage partner details / meeting place and time / enrollment decision・ Eradication of the “wall of the heart” through perspective of the current situation [The other partys true intention / misunderstanding / progress] ▲ When tied・ Many marriage records in their 30s and 50s * Your marriage fate / partner / family to build ◆ Actual version・ Penetrate / give up?
[Two realities that can be seen through essence] The feelings / turning points / decisions and the end of the other party・ The end of the tremor of affair love * The overture of the collapse is cut off * The deep psychology of the other party / the feelings for the companion・ At the end of a sad feeling ■ The desire of the other party / obstacles / progress opportunity and final decision・ [End of affair ▲ Dignified dating] Marital relationship / partners desire / unwavering determination ◆ Forbidden ending・ Are both feelings misunderstood?
[The truth of stagnant progress] The heart of the other party / turning point / the best ending of this love・ 30s ▲ So you can grasp love << your destined person >> Features / Encounter / Dengeki Marriage Blessing Record・ Prepared to lose the war ▲ Im Qi "What do you like?" The opponents whole heart / moment of change / end of love・ Painful love [Thin hope ▲ Open the door to fulfillment] That persons lie / expectation / relationship development / end of love・ [Certain victory] Knowing the time of the game, a big turnaround in life [Your work / goods] Turning point-late years・ Bitterness x Poverty ▲ Great reversal drama [10-year history of frenzy] Evaluation / leap of surroundings / goods / wealth to grasp・ Your annual income soars due to the momentum of breaking bamboo ◇ Work turning point / evaluation / success / rich old age・ Meet if you wait [Seriously hit] Characteristics of marriage partner / Encounter-Enrollment・ [Divorce experience is a plus!
] "Awareness" that leads to happiness in the future life・ [Passion when I met] Reason for the other persons attitude, secret, relationship restoration・ What happens to this love [difference in values / seriousness of that person / secret of marriage]・ Signs of improvement due to unlucky feelings ...
[Current situation and miracles that will occur in the future]・ [Progress in connecting the two?
] The lover image and serious love that person wants・ [Cheerful love] Do you continue to think and fall in love?
Is there any other happiness?・ Dramatic change that "occurs within 90 days" in the relationship with that person who does not shorten the distance・ [Unsatisfied body and mind] The relationship that person wants ・ To connect everything・ Does it end with a physical relationship?
[Your existence / possibility of dating]・ Satisfy your desires from the bottom of your heart [Sensual appraisal] << Encounter / Body / Ideal partner >>・ Bitterness x distress ▲ Great reversal drama [10 years history of frenzy] Evaluation of surroundings / leap / wealth・ Legendary marriage prayer!
≪All the characteristics of the destined person / Encounter / Affirmation of love ≫・ Does that person like me?
▲ Gesture / approach to show to your favorite opposite sex・ Am I a love target?
The moment that person remembers you × If you confess・ Voice alone [Love relationship once broken] Timing of contact / Possibility of reunion・ You are not aware of [Underground circumstances of infidelity] Accommodation / Home / Trials / End・ Love that doesnt progress at all [The other persons true intention / priority / the relationship between the two is the possibility of fate]・ One step toward the development of relationships x perspective of the heart ◆ The opposite sex / obstruction / dramatic change that the other party thinks・ Why relationship ...
[Affair love] Reasons for attracting each other / Crisis / Conflict / End・ Do you have a relationship with that person?
[Distance between two people] Cause / turning point / ending・ Both that person and this person [Enrollment report] Red thread that can be seen ◆ Features / Marriage life------------------------------------------------------ Completely free appraisal menu information ----------● * Emergency perspective * Declaration to you who wish to fulfill [The fate of two people, the approaching turning point]● Fujiko Kimura affirms!
"Who is your marriage partner ..." The chance of marriage left for you● Amazing clairvoyance [Impact that happens to you / The person who carries the edge]-----------------------------------------------Other new menus are being added one after another!■ Notes================================================== ==・ Downloading the app itself is free.
Free appraisal and paid appraisal (charged each time) are available in the app.・ You can check the menu purchased for a fee from [Appraisal History] in [My Room].・ After purchase, the fortune-telling result is valid for 7 days from the date of first reference.
If you want to view the fortune-telling results regardless of the period, please save it by capturing it on your mobile phone.・ Please note that if you delete the app itself, the purchased menu will also be deleted.・ Be sure to use the product in a place with good reception.
Data may be corrupted.・ Please do not close the app during the appraisal.================================================== ===[User Support]Mon-Fri (excluding holidays) 10: 00-19: 00
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See the 占い部門最優秀賞 占い越えて占い凌ぐ 木村藤子 神様の啓示 in Action
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